Friday, March 27, 2009

Upcoming Events for ICAN of CT!

For everyone here in Connecticut, and the surrounding areas, I wanted to send out a quick update of events for things we are doing in the area over the next couple weeks.
March 31st - 6pm - Preventing Breech Presentation with Dr. Jason Jenkins. For registration please call Fitness and Yoga for Women at 203-878-9642. Registration IS required!
April 1st, 2009 - 11am - Kicking off Cesarean Awareness Month. Join the ladies from ICAN of CT at Panera Bread in Shelton, CT for a social hour centering around the start of CAM!
April 22nd - 7pm - Monthly meeting focusing around Cesarean Awareness month, cesarean birth stories, preventing unnecessary cesarean sections and what we can do to lower our cesarean birth rate. We will also be showcasing our Cesarean Awareness Month proclamation from Connecticut Governor M. Jodi Rell.
April 28th - 7pm - We will be having a small home viewing of the birth film What Babies Want. For more information email me or Karen Kilson ( for directions.
All are welcome!
Unfortunately we had to cancel our full Cesarean Awareness Program we had scheduled for April 4th at the Plumb Memorial Library. We did not have enough interest and response, as well as RSVP's to the event. Hopefully next April we will be able to have a larger successful event like we were trying to plan.
For all of the women going to the ICAN Conference in Atlanta, we wish you safe travels, and I can personally say, I am jealous! I hope you all have a wonderful time and enjoy the list of amazing speakers!
Count me in for 2011 when I am not going to be a few weeks from my due date!
Last but not least, please join ICAN of CT online on You can find our group at
Also, help fight the good fight by joining The Movement to help lower Cesarean Rates!