I am just not sure where to put this.... This is a Thank you of sorts. Praise for ICAN. Praise for the women who power ICAN.
I am so happy to say that if it had not been for ICAN meetings, the website and the email list and the support of them my life would be, well, not the same.
My birth, my amazing VBAC with Violet would not have ever happened the way it did. Violet may have never even been born.
My ICAN story starts with a desperate google search of "normal birth after a cesarean."
I found Chandra, the chapter leader of ICAN of the Twin Cities. She and ICAN helped me find my way. I remember that Chandra even gave me the resource information for unassisted birth.
ICAN really opened a door, no, not a door, a gate- I could see the path before that but I could never quite get to it- then with that little push- the gate slammed open. The information I found through ICAN and my ICAN contacts stepped into my mind, like a forgotten memory, like an impulse I'd deeply suppressed. With that information came power. It was like I suddenly had other senses- all the worlds within the world and above and beyond it unfolded all around me. I was still me but I was more than me- my body was mine, to do with as I wished.
I want you to know how much I value you all for that. We, the women on this forum, the women on the email list the women who are leaders at ICAN make ICAN what it is. Without us, there is nothing. There is despair and loneliness. I thank you, the women of ICAN with all my heart.
Our ICAN chapter leaders are so important- next time you see a CL, give her a big fat kiss. They do SUCH an important work. It is not an easy job, it is work, it takes real dedication.
So- What does ICAN mean to you? What has ICAN done to help you? aaaaannnnnddddd... What have you done for ICAN???
New Website!
8 years ago